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TFM Shield Plus (Screenless GPS for Utilities)

Innovative technology designed to link your professional turf equipment and utility vehicles to a comprehensive management system. TFM provides facility managers accurate, detailed information for asset utilization, personnel management and work load analysis to meet the specific needs of their facility. With activity and work efficiency reports and geofencing and reduced sped zone capabilities, the opportunities are endless!

Standard Features

  • Seamless mobile experience on all tablets and smartphones completely web-based, accessible anywhere, anytime, on any device.
  • Real-time tracking of all vehicles at your facility (golf, turf and utility), in one, easy to use, application
  • Boost productivity with detailed work activity tracking and task management reports
  • Vehicle travel history, trails and utilization data
  • Geofencing for safety alerts
  • Excessive speed alerts
  • Fully integrated with golf fleet management or available as standalone turf/utility system
  • Compatible with mixed-brand fleets


  • Available over 36, 48 or 60 Month Terms
  • 48 Month Warranty
  • Local Training and Support
  • Dashboard Accessible on any device
  • Textron Owned and Backed Product
  • Can be Factory fitted or Retrofitted to existing fleets